Wednesday, June 18, 2008

It's like annoying...

Being near a few young people for a minute--passing in the store--it was like annoying.  

"She was like bugged by somebody who was like telling her dumb stuff.  It was like duh, don't I know that? Then she like yelled at me and I like told her to like go away.  I was like 'You're just being dumb.'  And she said, 'Like what do I care?' So I like walked away."

I don't know how this "like" thing started, but it seems to have stuck.  I know very intelligent people--even some in their 30s and 40s who still tend to do it a little.  It seems to be an all purpose descriptor.  I think if people were to hear themselves speaking, maybe they would recognize how often they say it and how odd it is.  To some of us it's just like silly.


Rambling Woods said... IS like very annoying Jo.

Great Grandma Lin said...

ho ho just like silly. indeed it is silly. it's interesting how we talk and local expressions. in utah there are unique expressions or ways of talking but my mind just went blank. have to think more on that idea. good grief-that's one of the utah expressions. you live here what others can you think of?

Jo, a retired teacher said...

The ones that come to my mind--other than the verb tenses that are used incorrectly--are pronunciation differences: creek, horse, barn, storm...that kind of thing.

dellgirl said...

Oh yes! The "like" thing drives me almost as crazy as the pants down around the knees. Ugggh!

dellgirl said...

I couldn't resist adding my 2-cents worth to "Old as Dirt".

Boy! That sure takes me back.You have so really good posts here.

Sharon said...

I "like" agree with you. Like.

gaz said...

they do this over here too... like!