Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Christmas in September

Do you remember being a child and so excited about the coming of Christmas you could hardly stand it?  I do.  I remember thinking that it was sooooo long from January to December, it took forever!  To make it seem closer--once we got into December--we used to count down, not by saying "there are four more days," but by saying "it's the day after the day after the day after tomorrow."  Somehow that made it seem closer.

Now, however, from January to December passes like traveling through hyperspace or at Warp 9.2 (choose your sci fi model).  I don't know where the months go in between, but they must be only a few days long.  

However, am I the only one bothered by the way so many of the retail stores handle merchandise?  I really do remember being annoyed when stores put out Christmas stuff before Thanksgiving.  Now Christmas stuff shares shelf space with Halloween!  One of the Costco stores where I shop started their Christmas displays the first of September.  Sorry, it is too difficult for me to think about Christmas trees and wrapping paper when it is 95 degrees outside.  I'm guessing that the stores do it because people buy stuff; there is no other logical reason.  Not me.  I'm holding off buying anything for Christmas until at least November 15.  Maybe I can't change it, but at least I'll feel better.


Sheila Keller-Powell said...

I ran to Michael's craft store to pick up some paint for a "galactic" project currently under construction. It was Wednesday and was amazed:
1) How crowed the store was (must have been a sale?) 2) How many blazing orange Halloween Pumpkins were glaring @ me 3) How many of the "fall foliage" shelves were empty (Must have been a sale) 4) How busy workers were opening boxes in the aisles filled with Xmas decorations. I love Fall and want to celebrate the season. So to the Retailers oushing the seasons.... give the "Fall lovers" a break and hold off on the stuffed santas singing "Here comes Santa Claus" in October for heaven's sake!!!!!

Great Grandma Lin said...

I agree, it's sickening. Went to walmart today and christmas stuff is in one end of the store and halloween in the other. We commericalize our holidays. Even the asian countries many who are not Christians have adopted our holidays to sell more goods. Gone are the days of an orange in the stocking for Christmas-only a memory. Thanks for a good idea for a column.

Mare said...

It drives me bonkers. As does the commercialism of the holiday. Last year, my mom's favorite gifts were 2 long-sleeved teeshirts that I had 'angelface'and 'honeybunny' put on them. Sounds silly, but 2 of her favorite expressions, and when she wears them...she smiles!!

Rambling Woods said...

I agree...Then at Christmas, the Easter stuff is out. I laughed at my husband when he said he was going shopping for some shorts...I told him that you are way past the season.

NanNan said...

I agree wholeheartedly!! It used to drive me crazy when the "back to school" flyers came out in July!
(They still come out, but I don't feel the same angs)