Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Vanity plates

I've been on the road a bit lately and I'll admit it, I'm a license plate watcher and vanity plates are sooo interesting.  

Sometimes they advertise a business like BMPRMAN (the red truck had a logo on it too), OPN WYD (dentist), or BONEDOC.

Often they have something to say about the vehicle they're on.  I smiled at NOTABUG on a red PT Cruiser, then saw L8E BUG on a red Volkswagen beetle with a black rag top.  A gorgeous black Corvette had BLK OUT, and a small, red sportscar had LITLRED.  

Occasionally, I'm not sure whether the plates refer to the vehicles or the drivers such as SUPRBAD on a lifted, black truck.  A nondescript white car had 1 BRIT so I assumed the owner was from the UK, but what about the small Toyota crossover that said RX 4 US?  Did they mean the Toyota was their drug?  The white van's plate may have been stating an opinion, DRNKMLK, but what was the gray car's GO NUTZ saying?

Finally, there are the plates that make no sense to me.  It must be an inside joke or something I'm too dense to understand.  A black Tacoma truck had QUENCH; an ordinary sedan was YAMMED; and the most unique was FINZLET.  I tried so hard to figure out what it meant, I didn't notice the vehicle carrying it.

I'll continue to watch plates and I might do some serious thinking about one of my own.  Let's see... I BLOG? EX TCHR? OLD WOMN? BE NICE? WTCH OUT? (oh, that could be watch out or witch out..tricky).


Rambling Woods said...

Jo..I like to read them too. I wish I could remember some that I've seen or had an explanation for some that you posted. This post made me smile.

caryn/mom said...

One that stuck with me said,"URP GAG". I kept wondering what kind of life the owner must have had to make that their motto or message?

Then there was NTSOFST, TOOFAST, and FSTRNU...all seen at a local race track.
Seen around town:
a local plumber - LEAKDOC
a policeman - SLOWDN
a psychologist - TALK2ME
Vanity plates are a hoot! They're modern day Burma Shave signs...