Tuesday, August 5, 2008

More perks that come with age

I'm adding to the post by dellgirl about the perks of being "older."  Hers reminded me that I had seen an even longer list of the "benefits" of aging.  
1.  Your supply of brain cells is finally down to manageable size.
2.  You enjoy hearing about other peoples' operations.
3.  You have a party and the neighbors don't even realize it.
4.  You no longer think of speed limits as a challenge.
5.  You sing along with elevator music (I'm very guilty of this).
6.  Your investment in health insurance is finally beginning to pay off.
7.  Kidnappers are not interested in you.
8.  You find you can live without sex, but not without glasses.

She listed the best ones, but I thought we could use the entire list.  I have some more fun quips about growing older, maybe I'll add them when I need a post but don't have much to say (it's that manageable supply of brain cells I think).


Kay said...

This is too, too funny! And true. Thank you for a laugh to start my day.

wispy willow said...

It's all true...

There are dozens of perks to being older... not the least of which is not having to shave my legs anymore...or having the need to buy monthly unmentionables.

Life is indeed sweet when you reach retirement...even if I haven't displayed the good sense to retire.

And my kids giggle at how many of the lyrics I know to music of the 40's...so I totally laughed at singing along with elevator music!! Perhaps we could get a singing group together and take our act on the road.

This was fun!! I anxiously await your additional fun quips!

Jo, a retired teacher said...

Mom/caryn...my youngest son used to walk along a different aisle when shopping with me, so people didn't know he was with the strange woman singing along with the store's music.

Rambling Woods said...

I needed a smile..thank you. I like getting to say exactly what is on my mind with no reservations. Not that I had that many when I was younger either..

Jane Hards Photography said...

The quote about the neighbours and partying really did strike a chord with me. I used to be a party animal, still am, but in a more hushed tones kind of way. Excellent witty post.

Great Grandma Lin said...

well, i don't enjoy hearing about people's operations but that seems to all the seniors want to talk about it. i'd rather focus on what we can do and deeper philosophical matters than...when i had my hip replacement.

Mare said...

Fun to read! The singing thing-I am always bursting into song. I must've been doing something musical in a former life.