Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I wasn't planning to, but....

I'm back from Florida.  I was extremely lucky and believe me, I'm looking forward to sharing what happened.  We also had fun dressing up at Disney World and I will share that too.  But first, I've got to get something off my chest.  I probably won't change anyone's mind--except maybe about me--but I think I'll feel better, so here goes.

I voted today.  Usually it is no big deal, but I think this time it really is.  I am very worried about my country.  When you think about it, America has only existed for about 230 years.  In that time we have become a world leader in every category.  Our overall standard of living is unsurpassed, while people in some countries a thousand years old still live in squalor.  The credit for this unparalleled success lies with our founding fathers and the inspiration of our Constitution, which guarantees individual freedoms and rights.  Those very principles are at risk.

I want a president who truly loves America, one who believes in the values of the Constitution and in the people he represents.  I want a president who trusts me to spend my own money.  I want a president who understands that the government is of the people, by the people, and for the people--not the other way around.  I want someone who puts his hand over his heart for the flag, the Pledge of Allegiance, and the national anthem.  I don't care if he has excellent public speaking skills, his history means I trust his heart to love and protect our country and defend the rights in its Constitution.

I don't want a president who thinks the Constitution needs to be changed so the government can have more control.  I don't want someone to tell me that I have to give up even more of my hard-earned money so it can be given to others who didn't want to work as hard.  I don't want a president who spent years around people cursing and denigrating the country they live in (the only country that allows that kind of speech).  I don't want a president whose oratorical skills are used to camouflage his heart and desire to change America into a country where the government becomes more powerful and individuals less so.

We are in tough economic times, partly because of greed and partly because of politics, but we'll get through it.  I think those guilty of cooking the books to make huge bonuses should be prosecuted and businesses which did stupid things should fail.  That's the law of natural consequences.  Government never seems to make things easier, more efficient, or more free from fraud.  The government doesn't have its own money, it has ours.

I wish our choices were different.  I wish the national media had made an effort to be even-handed so people knew enough about both candidates to make educated decisions.  As it is, digging for facts was time consuming but enlightening.  It comes down to basics.  What do you want for the future of this country?  I don't want more or bigger government; I believe in the power of the people.


Mare said...

I am a little bit confused by what you are saying, specifically as to which candidate would exhibit which behavior that you describe. Maybe I'm overtired.
I will definitely vote, and yes I think this is a very important one.
Looking forward to hearing about your trip!

Great Grandma Lin said...

I'm a little confused too, but think you are support McCain...which is fine. My vote is different but in Utah the majority always goes Republican.

H said...

AMEN! I know exactly what you are talking about, and whole heartedly agree with every point you made in this fantastic speech (your candidate could have used you!) I know about each and every point you were making and about the unpatriotic cadidate you refer to. I am really excited to vote next week and wish I could vote in a different state and maybe make a difference- here, I'm not sure it helps much, but at least the outcome usually goes my way!

Rambling Woods said...

Welcome back Jo..nice to hear from you. I think you are supporting McCain and I respect that.

Kay said...

Glad to see you, Jo. I agree with Michelle. I realize you must be supporting McCain and Palin which is scary for me but I respect everyone's right to their beliefs.

Mare said...

Well, it's morning and things are clearer now..[more circuits in the brain are connecting!] so I do understand your post. There are some tough issues that need to be resolved, like the war and the economy. I hope that whoever the president is, that things will begin to improve.

Smittie said...

Ditto! I loved your entry! God bless America.

Anonymous said...

I don't agree with your post. I believe that both cadidates truly love America, believe in the Constitution, and the people they represent.

I imagine I'll be casting my vote for a different candidate than you are, but you probably suspected that anyway. I know that I am a black sheep in the family, but bleeding heart liberals are definitely rare coming from Utah. I imagine you'll have no problem seeing your state turn red on election day.

I think, though, that the final national result will be blue.

Jo, a retired teacher said...

Okay, anonymous. What in my post was not true?

You may be right about the outcome of the national election, but I could be right about the changes it brings. I guess time will tell.