My hair is naturally curly. During my teenage years, when the styles were smooth and very controlled, it gave me great consternation. I put relaxers on it (some of the first ones--very icky), I ironed it, I used pop cans with both ends removed as rollers, and I generally fought with it. Thank goodness the style was not the very straight look that so many young girls have now; I don't know which would have survived--my hair or my attitude. I generally chuckle when I hear someone talk about how teenagers do things to be unique. To be comfortable together, conformity is what matters. (How else do you explain the odd, sagging pants?)
But, I'm wandering. In lovely, humid Hawaii, I was uncontrollably curly.

Who cares whether or not my hair was out of control, it was very cool!
You realize people pay money to get their hair curling like yours are. I don't think I've ever been on a boat and seen dolfins swimming alonside. Wow!
I would love to be so close to the dolphins that accompanied your trip! And in my 20's, I used orange juice cans to roll my hair...looking back on it...amazing. So glad that I am past that hoopla!
i remember giving up on my hair in hawaii. it looks yucky all the time until i discovered a small bottle of very inexpensive hair spray which helped control it somewhat. lovely memories and photos. thanks for sharing your trip.
I love to see dolphins swimming like this! I'm with Kay about the hair. My hair (in it's natural state) LOOKS like it's BEEN ironed and the only way to deal with it is to get a perm so that's what I do every three months. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence I guess. I wish I had your hair, and you had mine. LOL
Thanks for your lovely comments on my blogs this morning. As I've said before, it's a good thing no one (other than Molly and Ms. Kitty) is counting on me for anything because I can be a bit obsessive.
Hugs and blessings,
Oh my gosh..look at that water..I remember using orange juice cans to straighten my hair out..Have fun..
Thanks for the memories about hair and the teenage years. Thankfully, I learned to love 'ponytails' in my later years, keeps the frizz tamed and keeps me from looking like I have a puff-ball on my head. I can only wear it down if it's cold/cool and there is no wind, at all.
ha ha ha ha ha ... I SO relate to your post. I look like Betty Boop stuck her finger in a light socket when I'm in the Islands. I just give up any and all hope of having pretty hair and enjoy the beauties that Kauai and Oaho have to offer.
Only someone who's never been able to take her hair out of a ponytail while at the beach, and shake it out softly on her shoulders can appreciate the longing you and I have for smooth, straight locks... at least now and then.
I dio have to say that you looked awfully dang cute in that picture, though. Makes it a tad hard to sympathize completely.
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