Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Presidential Advice

Although the election didn't turn out the way I had hoped it would, I am glad it is over.   One of my favorite columnists in a local paper had some good advice for President-elect Obama.  It is along the same common-sense lines as when author Robert Fulghum said that all he needed to know he learned in Kindergarten.  

I didn't want to try and put the column here, but I will give you the link and if you want, you can pop over and read it yourself.  The author is Robert Kirby and I would love to be as prolific and entertaining a writer as he is.  His self-deprecating humor always makes me smile--even this snowy, post-election morning.


Great Grandma Lin said...

I've enjoyed his books and humor-will have to take a look.

Mare said...

I have read all ofRobert Fulghum's books, and laughed and cried! I especially still carry the lesson of 'the difference between a problem and an inconvenience' and it has helped me keep a better perspective during challenging times.
We are in challenging, scary, unprecented times. If this president-elect can help us unite as a country, if he has the drive and ability to lead the apethetic and the motivationally-challenged to get up and join the real world...then I am willing to give it a try.
I respect John McCain as an American and a person. I hope he continues to be a voice of support and cooperation in Washington.
The down side of a competition is that only one person can win.
Since the time that I have been voting, I have voted for the winner, and I have voted for 'he who came in second'[more often!].
It's time to lead, follow, or get out of the way.
But, I for one, am willing to give the president a chance.
Glad you're back from vacation and your Disney Halloween pictures looked like a good time was had by all! TTFN

Rambling Woods said...

Good advice Jo

wispy willow said...

This is one of the times, as Mare so cleverly stated, I voted for the man who came in second. Was I voting for John McCain or was I voting to keep a system of checks and balances... not sure, but I think the latter.

Like all of you, I'm prepared to stand behind the new President Elect and give him a chance. I heard on some program or other tonight that this was a good election to lose. The country is going to face some very difficult challenges and it's not going to be an easy time to be our Nation's leader. I'm crossing my fingers that the politico's don't start tearing him apart the way they did President Bush. I'm not a real Bush fan, but I do think that it's unconscionable to show as much disrespect as was shown to the man who is our Commander and Chief in a time of war. We held him up for ridicule for other nations to scoff at, and led the pack of wolves tearing at his coat sleeves.
I hope everyone unites behind Obama whether he was their man or not and gives him a chance.

I'll check out the website.

If you want to read some fun stuff... try going to Sandy Carlsen's site and look for one of her blog buddies, "Balderdash Pappy" or something like that. He has a GREAT blog!!!