Thursday, February 21, 2008

Less accidents?

Wow, this seems to be a difficult concept for people.  A legislator from Kanab says that with a higher speed limit there will "be less accidents."  That was a quote in the newspaper.  Beyond whether or not changing the speed limit will affect anything, there might "be fewer accidents."   I guess if it is misused enough, right or wrong, it will be accepted.  (See earlier post.)

When someone says  "How are you?"  What is your answer?  "Good?"  Is that the same as purple, greasy, warm?  All are adjectives that could describe things about you, but not HOW you are.   You are likely well, or fine, or even just okay.   

You may be a good person, love greasy chips, wear purple shoes, or hope for a warm day, but they don't describe how you are.   But, notice the number of people who answer that way.  I'm probably going to lose this one. 

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