Sunday, March 9, 2008

Dialing a phone?

If you're over 30, you may remember when we had to dial a phone.  It's something we still say: "Dial your sister's number for me."  Kids recognize the instruction, but have probably never wondered why we say "dial."  Do alarm clocks "ring"?  I know mine beeps.   "Roll up that window," is another expression that is no longer accurate .  One can't even buy a car anymore with windows that must be "rolled" up.  Ask someone under 20 why we say it that way, and see if they know.

Most of us no longer type a paper, buy a record, or listen to an album.  (I've noticed that the music industry to trying to get away from its outdated terms.)  Junior high classes are now "keyboarding" rather than typing, but most of us still type papers even without ever using a typewriter.

My husband claims that young business types still use "cc" to indicate they are sending a copy to someone, but don't know it has anything to do with carbon paper (don't even know what that is).  

Sometimes our descriptive language seems to change very quickly; sometimes things change faster than our language can keep up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually, *really* low-end cars don't have automatic windows. I've been in rental cars that were current model year and had manual roll-up windows, just in the last year or two.