Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine Day question

This may be an odd Valentine post, but I've been wondering something.

Is it Valentines Day (a day of many valentines),

Valentine's Day (a day belonging to a specific valentine), or

Valentines' Day (a day belonging to many valentines)?

It is the same conundrum as Mothers Day....Mother's Day, or Mothers' Day (Fathers Day too). Most often the apostrophes are just ignored or forgotten. Maybe it's just as well since we have a difficult time deciding where they go anyway.


Great Grandma Lin said...

a question without an answer...I don't know for sure.

Janie B said...

I believe it is Valentine's Day.

Kay said...

I've seen Valentine's Day written more often than not, but it's something I always wonder about when the holiday approaches.

Sharon said...

Since Saint Valentine's Day is named after an early Christian martyr I think it is Valentine's. Who knows?

Teacher Mama said...

I say plural, but not possessive. Valentines. Some (my little Logan) might argue that it is Valentimes.