Friday, April 3, 2009

Underappreciated Mother

I hurried back through the many slide copies to find a few that I could quickly recognize as me.  I wanted to put them in a better order, but loading pictures so they turn out where I want them seems to be beyond my technical ability.

On the left is a dress for Pioneer Day, which is a very big deal in the place where I grew up.  I must have been involved in some special performance.

I don't know what dance the red dress was for,  but I did crop out the guy I was dating at the time.   I have several more shots with he and I together.

I think the orange suit was for something  like an interview for a beauty pageant or something.  I needed to look polished and respectable, but stylish.

The blue shift with ruffles and the lavender dress remain a mystery in my memory.  I have a corsage in one, so it must have been a dance.  But, my hair was up in the other so it was also obviously for something I thought important.  Those shapeless dresses were cool in the mid-sixties.

This very young me was for my first big dance.  The high school held a "post prom" the day after the real deal, especially for junior high students.  I was in 7th grade and had a date with a boy in my class.

This last shot is a real keeper although I don't remember why we took it.  It is my sisters and I with my grandmother, who passed away when she was far too young.  As near as I can figure, I was about 18 (which would make my sisters 16 and 14--give or take a year).  

I am pretty sure than my mom made most of these clothes.  I'll have to show them to her and see how many she remembers--probably more than I do.

I do know that I took her for granted.  I don't now.


Ms Opinionated said...

Look at you, all stylish and all!!! Your pics bring back memories of fashion. My parents were dressmakers so they always had the latest.

Thanks for sharing!

Mare said...

What a great walk through time! I hope you enjoyed the memories that each photo generated. [Maybe not the one where you cut the guy out!! ]Just kidding!

Great Grandma Lin said...

fun photos and the memories that go with them...I'm sure your family wants to know all about your growing up years. Are we all grown now? LOL!

dellgirl said...

Oooooh, you look so cute. I remember (fondly) the days when dressing nicely was the "thing". Your pictures make me miss those days.

Unknown said...

Jo these old photo's are such fun and get a load of those fashions LOL!

Kay said...

You look like a young Liz Taylor in the yellow dress. I just loved looking through your photos, Jo. I love seeing the different fashions through time. You are certainly a gorgeous woman!

Jo said...

Those are some great pictures. My Mom did quite a bit of sewing for me, my sister and herself as well. There are some great pictures at her house of the three of us wearing matching easter dresses back in about 1971 or so.

I also did not appreciate my Mom enough in my youth, not even really in my 20's. I was probably well into my 30's before I gained a better understanding. I think part of that comes from not being a Mom myself before then.

cindy said...

Mom made all of us one of those suits...with hats, remember? We wore them to the association concert.

Sharon said...

Oh yes! I remember when......

I love looking through old photos!

wispy willow said...

Pretty dang snazzy! Your outfits seem much more sophisticated than many of mine were. I was such a dork for a gal who grew up in style setting California. Downright ugly all to often...

I finally settled into being a "glamour queen" in my twenties... You, on the other hand, were adorable at every age!

Joyce's Journey said...

Don't all kids take their parents for granted? I guess it doesn't matter how we parent, no one is immune.

I love the pictures! Such happy memories.