Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Was it something I said?

I'm a little curious.  What part(s) of my last post put me in a particular liberal/moderate/centrist/conservative political category?  As I read it again, the only thing I mentioned that could show a specific notion was that I didn't agree with the massive government spending (but the first bail-out was before the election).

I mentioned the stock market had dropped a lot since November, but that's a fact and is a result of worried investors and people spending less money.

Was it my contention that the government cannot solve people's problems or my concerns about a generation who feel entitled just because they exist?  Or was it that we seem to be getting away from the personal responsibility and self-reliance of our ancestors?  Aren't we?

Are those ideas really only held by a segment of society?  Has more government control over people's lives ever made anything better?   Maybe my next post will be about taxes.  That ought to stir things up.

I think we hear billions and trillions so often that we're numb, but they are too enormous to comprehend.  I'm borrowing a cool example from Rose's blog.

A billion seconds ago it was 1959.
A billion minutes ago Jesus was alive.
A billion hours ago our ancestors were living in the Stone Age.
A billion days ago no-one walked on the earth on two feet.
A billion dollars is only 8 hours and 20 minutes, at the rate our government is spending it.

A trillion (as all math teachers know) is a thousand billion.



Jean said...

Hi Jo,
The Baby Surprise Sweater pattern is available at Schoolhouse Press. A MUST when using the directions, however, is Dawn Adcock's help sheet at

Hope this helps! And let me know if you need help. Jean

Jean said...

P. S. The Baby Surprise Jacket pattern, for $3, is available at

Kay said...

I think it's good for us all to "talk" about our different perspectives. They say that people with like views tend to live near each other so that you aren't likely to hear another point of view. Therefore, even though we may not agree on things political at all times, I always want to hear what you have to say, Jo. Good for you.

Smittie said...

Funny you wrote about this. I've been thinking along the same lines the past few days... Facts. Facts are facts. Not always known, shown or portrayed accurately by those who wish to spin them, but facts are facts. --And you have a good grasp of the facts. :)

Ms Opinionated said...

Thanks for using reference from my blog. Let's hope that if more people see this, something can change - like removing some of those taxes listed. While they are cutting back, it would be nice to see a political party take the bus to work instead of being driven into work.

Oh....we could be here for days!

Thanks for the inspiration!

Kahshe Cottager said...

Just dropped by to say thanks for your visit ... it has been a long time since I have been out and about in blogland!

Mare said...

Hi Jo. I haven't been able to read blogs since 2/27. I have to read the post before this to understand this one, so I'll do that...pronto!

wispy willow said...

This was a large breath of fresh air for me. I agree with everything you say. It's difficult to know what's really going on in Washington. Or what went on over the past twenty years. If you read one newspaper or listen to one news channel... the information you base your opinions on is so oppositional to what you read and hear on another. I rely a great deal on what makes sense to me... and a little on what a couple of the family members working in D.C., and client's who are Congressmen and work with high end government officials, tell me. (insider info and all of that) My kith and kin represent both parties... so I hear both sides.

I'm a little nervous about selling our grandchildren (at least their futures) to the Chinese. Seems like that's pretty close to what we're doing. Although I'd like to give President Obama the benefit of the doubt... I'm finding the benefits shrinking and the doubts growing larger... Perhaps it's not him so much as those he relies on. Nancy, Barney, Chris and the gang.

Anyway... we all need to hang on tight and pray for the best. And keep our ears, eyes, and MINDS open.

Thanks for the post, Jo! I enjoyed both of them!!