Friday, January 18, 2008

Missing the kids

Sometimes I really like being retired.  I enjoy being able to do whatever I want to, when I want to.  Other times, though, I miss the routines.  I miss the friendships, the laughter.  I miss the excitement of helping students find a book they love, or understand a cool math concept.  I miss the awe of science and the appreciation for events in history.  I miss reminding them (some would say nagging) about correct language principles, the importance of spelling, the value of vocabulary.

Yes, retirement is a mixed blessing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For several years before I retired, I had developed a checklist of sorts listing all the things I WOULD NOT MISS after 28 years of teaching: recess/bus duty,meetings upon mindnumbing endless meetings, bridal and baby showers for those newbie teachers leaving the biz for new horizons,bells & whistles of all types,grinding pencil sharpeners, pain-in-the-ass complaining parents,Halloween parades and teaching in portable classrooms. There were a LOT of things I had on my list, but learning and laughing with the kids would never have been on my list. I agree 100% with your comments. I truly miss the kids (well, maybe not the psycho,crazed,lunatics that seemed to fill my classes for several years prior to retirement), and it is the reason I am now working part-time at a space center introducing kids to space. Yep, once teaching gets in your blood it's hard to step away... skptoo