Sunday, January 20, 2008


 It's discouraging to read the newspaper lately.  It is full of stories about damaged, dangerous people doing terrible things to others--especially children.  Children scalded, kicked, thrown, crushed, dropped, and punched for what?  Crying?  The only way small children have to communicate their unhappiness.  My first reaction is fury.  I want the perpetrators to suffer the same wounds that they inflicted on the children in their care.  Not possible.  We don't have people sufficiently bigger and stronger.  But what I don't want is for these awful people to have free room and board, free health care, educational opportunities, and 15 years of lawyers and appeals.  There is no defense for the things they did.  No way they can make up for their irrational fits of rage taken out on the defenseless.

I have no sympathy for anyone who hurts innocent babies and children.  I would love to be the one to deliver sentences.  Unfortunately, that's not the way it will happen.  

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