Monday, March 28, 2011

Hearing aids continued

I was talking about my hearing loss theories with another family member, and she had some good insights. As mentioned in my last post, I think people don't get hearing aids as often as they buy glasses because:
1) it's way more expensive,
2) the loss is gradual and they adapt to a quieter world, or
3) they don't know what they can't hear.

She thought the big reason might be #3. She knows her hearing isn't good (too many childhood infections in one ear), and she related a recent experience. She went to a movie and sat with her husband in the back of the theater because that's where he likes to sit. Then, she went to the same movie with someone else and sat in the middle. She was amazed at the things she could hear that she had missed the first time. Nothing like good anecdotal evidence to validate my theory.

On a new, but somewhat related subject. Is anyone else bothered by television shows where the dialog is difficult to hear, but the commercials blast you out of your chair?


Great Grandma Lin said...

yep, we are also annoyed by 1 min of news 3 min of commercials, one more min of news, 4 min of commercial, etc.

hearingfremont said...
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Kay said...

yes, Yes, and YES! It annoys the heck out of us. I thought they were going to put some kind of regulation in place to limit the volume of those commercials.

Mare said...

I HATE the loud commercials!! That is one reason that I like to DVR shows so that I can zoom right through the loud commercials.