Friday, November 12, 2010

Odd words and phrases

I've noticed another couple of odd phrases and words recently. A newspaper article was about an accident that occurred in an "unmarked crosswalk." I couldn't help but wonder what that meant. I guess I've been under the impression that it was the markings that made a crosswalk. It's against the law to cross the street between intersections--unless there is a marked crosswalk. Is it okay to cross at any intersection? What exactly makes a marked crosswalk--lights? paint? If the paint is faded or the light is out, is it still a safe place to cross or is it now unmarked? I'm confused.

Another thing I read mentioned disinhibition. My first thought was, "huh?" I decided it must be the same as less inhibited or less inhibition. Does disinhibition sound that much more erudite? It surely caught my attention, but I'm not sure that's what the writer intended since I can't remember what in the heck the article was talking about. I guess I'm suffering from disremembrance.


Great Grandma Lin said...

funny post...welcome back...

dellgirl said...

Disremembrance, huh? I like that, and the post.

I’m just stopping in to say hello. Hope you have a magnificent Weekend!

Sharon said...

Enjoyed this new look at words! You can always make me smile!

Mare said...

I love disremembrance. Remember Norm Crosby? His comedy act was all about using words miscorrectly!

Kay said...

An unmarked crosswalk? Now I'm confused. It could explain all the pedestrian fatalities we're getting in Hawaii.

dellgirl said...

Hi, just popping back in to see what's new and to say hi.

Have a wonderful Week.