Okay, at least I'm doing it here and not on my Facebook page--my young family members probably don't visit here much and it's just as well. Most of them know how I am, and I make some of them very nervous. That's alright with me, but I can see the decline in reading from people's writing.
1. A young woman, applying for a job, used the word 'youl' rather than 'you'll' or 'you will' on her application. Obviously there was no spell checking involved. Maybe it's a leftover from texting shortcuts, but I'd think one would be very careful on a resume.
2. As I visited a public restroom on my travels today, I saw where some young woman had tried to write a thoughtful message on the stall door. It was about not taking "life for granite." Admittedly, that's mostly how we say that, but I couldn't help myself, I took my pen and corrected it (the first time I've ever written on a bathroom stall).
3. I am almost numb (almost) to the frequent use of your when it should be you're; there rather than their or they're; the careless misspellings; and the confusion about where apostrophes belong.
It is so discouraging. I don't think many young people read good books anymore.