Sunday, September 8, 2013

Annoying and way too loud.

I have wondered about this because there are several stores whose music has driven me out.  Odd, since I'm sure I have more disposable income than most 20-somethings.  Hard to figure.


Kay said...

I had to laugh because my young nephew just got hired by Abercrombie and Fitch. I'll have to ask him about the sound level.

Great Grandma Lin said...

how funny and true-even at restaurants-we won't go to Texas Star BBQ for that reason and the food is great!

Teacher Mama said...

Now that loud music is on my radar, does that mean I'm getting old??!! :)

Jo, a retired teacher said...

Lisa, I don't know. You may just be getting wiser rather than old.

dellgirl said...

Cool, now I know not to go in there (those stores with the loud music) since they don't want me there. I don't like loud and annoying...