There are a couple of new ones: "When you Orbitz, you know" is an annoying new one. So then, "When you Travelocity you also know?" Geez.
I've also expounded on the loss of adverbs. We are asked to Drive Safe, Shop Local, and Eat Healthy. Now Lipton wants us to Drink Positive. Really? Then they were additionally clever by saying "You are what you tea." It is a rearrangement of what you eat, and I imagine the marketing team that thought that up is very proud. I hope someone there thought it was as stupid I think it is.
Post Script. I just barely heard that Just For Men (covers gray) wants us to "Live Forward."
These are the reasons I love my DVR, and hardly watch anything where I have to sit through commercials.
Kindred spirit here! Grammar has taken many hits.
then there's the world of texting...lol!
I saw a commercial from Coca-Cola to "Live Positively," so that must be an exception.
There was a sign on a doorbell that said, "Push Hard," and I spent way too long thinking about how hard is an adverb, but changing it to "hardly" would not work either. I thought of you in both instances!
Gosh! Looks like I haven't been paying attention. I'm living in Hawaii now and grammar is well... different.
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